Participants can bring their own old furniture that they would like to repair or choose and buy some from our stock. Firstly, we will introduce you to the theory of renovation and surface treatments. Then we will show you how to deal with the prepared pieces of furniture. In one day, you can usually get rid of the old varnish and then glue your piece of furniture, use wood putty and even tune the surface with new paint or oil.
The price includes all material and equipment needed and small refreshments. In the case of choosing furniture from our warehouse, the price depends on the type and condition of the selected item.
Price: 1600 CZK
What to bring: furniture you want to repair and working clothes
Where and when: Za Poříčskou bránou 284/7, Praha 8 // 10AM-6PM
Please register via email: and send us picture of the piece you want to renovate!